So much bitterness – and a counting game for those playing at home.

This bloke is nothing short of a walking contradiction. He starts off by saying he hates people who swear. But after reading his profile, I think he needs to look at himself first.

I screenshotted his entire diatribe -it’s a long one. Absolutely full of bitterness and SO many red flags – he seems extremely abusive and disrespectful. Avoid at all costs.

I thought we could have a little counting game for those playing at home. It’s called Let’s count the swear words.




Had to highlight “boweling” in yellow. I don’t even want to know what that shit is. Plus that sixth paragraph. Major, major red flags.





Boweling again!

Holy shit!!!

For someone who doesn’t like people who swear, that’s A LOT of swear words in one profile – I counted 13 in total.

This dude seriously needs to delete his profile and start again because it’s so bitter it’s frightening.

Needless to say I blocked him immediately.

Soph x

Please tell me I have a double…

Good God I hope this one didn’t see me walking this morning.


Saw, not seen. I blocked him before I could be bothered correcting the grammar.


How weird, though – who notices random people and thinks “Oh, that looks like someone I sent a message to on POF 12 days ago, but they never replied so I’ll just go and creep them the fuck out?”

I tell ya, if it did happen to be me he saw walking (and I doubt that it was, Brisbane’s not that small a town), this would have been me once I clapped eyes on him.


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Usain Bolt, eat your heart out.

Soph x




This bloke just does not give up – in fact this will be the fourth blog post about him on Soph’s Dating Site Fails. In recognition of this, I’ve now given him his own category on this humble blog – have a squiz down the bottom, he’s now the Frenchs Forest Fruit Fly.

I was thrown off the scent by the new profile picture but as soon as I opened the profile, I was like “Oh, fuck, here we go again.”

Frenchs Forest Fruit Fly 2.PNG

Over getting ****ed around? I’m over getting so many ****ing messages from you!



This is what went down back in August when he last had a crack:

Just Fuck Off


And today.


I should have corrected the grammar. *Your tattoos, and *your type.


If I must deal with fails, O Dating Site Gods, can I have some new ones please as I’m sick of rehashing old shit.

Soph x

Tonight’s post is brought to you by the letters W, T and F.

I may have to let Ronan Keating do the talking on this one.

*shudder…I can’t stand Ronan Keating*

How’s this for a head-scratching opening line…


WTF. I wonder what makes me so intriguing. (Probably the fact that I like cricket. It’s apparently a rare thing for a person with two X chromosomes to be a huge cricket fan, but there we are.)

Over to you, Ronan…



Soph x


The “POF Favourites Stalker” returns…

So about five months ago I wrote a post entitled A stalker of a completely different kind. where I had a bit of a whinge about this bloke who added me to his favourites list four times in one month, and I removed myself every single time.

Well blow me down if he’s not back under a different username…and fucking adding me to his favourites list again!!!

Favourites 7.PNG

I’d recognise that bald head and mirror selfie anywhere.


Time to carry out a bit of comparative analysis…


Favourites 2

From five months ago





Favourites 3

From five months ago





That’s him, alright!!!

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Have another look at the “Who Fav’d Me” section, where you can leave a testimonial.



I reckon if I was to write one, it would go something like this:

Creepy stalker bloke who has added me to his favourites list more times than I care to remember. Avoid at all costs.

Judging by the super short profile he’s only looking for someone to knock up, so perhaps a short message with the following would do the trick:

If I told you I don’t want more children, would it stop you adding me to your favourites?

Soph x


In which Soph realises she’s been failing at life for 12 months.

Yesterday was this humble blog’s first birthday!!!

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I have to admit, I have been a bit quiet recently. I deactivated my profiles again and took a little break from it all. There’s only so many John Farnham reincarnations I can mention without repeating myself post after post after post. (At last count he’s reincarnated himself 23 times so the posts I’ve written on here are just the tip of the iceberg.)

I didn’t think I’d still be writing this blog after 12 months, to be honest. But for me, finding a partner is definitely not the be all and end all and I’m happy to just keep cruising on and collect a few more fails along the way if that’s what happens.

Here’s to that.

Soph x