This person seems slightly obsessed with my hair.

I’m a redhead and I like to crack jokes about it at my own expense. (Saves people doing it for me.)

For a laugh I even included a redhead joke in my headline.

Slightly regretting that now…

Hair Obsessed 1.PNG

I hate those creepy profile pictures where the face is pretty much obscured by bad lighting.


I responded as follows:

Hair Obsessed 2


The next message, in particular the last sentence, made it painfully clear that he had just looked at the pictures:

Hair Obsessed 3

Stop talking about my fucking hair!! 


I’d had enough. I bothered to read his profile and once again – everything I’m not interested in…

Hair Obsessed 4.PNG

I was very restrained here. Should have just said “Read the fucking profile!”


Please, no more hair-obsessed people. Although my hair is pretty kickarse if I do say so myself.

Soph x


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